The Bandy Bandy Snake is a very special animal. It feeds exclusively on Blind Snakes (Ramphotyphlops). The bandy-bandy snake is a burrowing snake that is seldom encountered. It is well known for a defensive display in which it alternates between thrashing and contorting itself into one or more large, vertically oriented coils, apparently to frighten predators.
The Eastern Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis) is one of Seven species found within the brown snake genus. Brown snakes though generally shy, are almost always nervous and defensive if provoked or cornered. The bottom photo shows typical colouration of the juveniles. They loose this colouring as they mature and although variable, most resemble that of the one photographed above.
The Eastern Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus) is one of Victoria's Best Known Snakes (Next to the Eastern Brown Snake- which will feature in the next post). The Tiger Snake is highly variable in both size and colour it can commonly reach sizes of over 1.5metres. The Tiger Snake feeds upon frogs, lizards birds and small mammals. Tiger snake venom contains potent presynaptic neurotoxins (toxins in venom that cause paralysis or muscle weakness). The Tiger Snake is the 4th most venemous snake in the world the most venamous snake being the Inland Tiapan closely followed by the Eastern Brown Snake (featured next post).
Despite all these amazing/daunting facts please take the time to look for the beauty in this snake as they are Gods creatures and have a very important purpouse in the world.
Swamp Wallabies like this one are usually solitary animals, however during the breeding season you can find groups of up to four individuals together. This time of year is when you are likely to find a joey chasing after mumma!
I pestered this Hover Fly for about 20 minuits until i finally caught him mid flight coming into land on an everlasting daisy. Hoverflies are not related to bee's, instead they belong to the same group as blowflies (Diptera).
I found this little ripper spider orchid on the weekend whilst on patrol. I have no clues to its I.D as yet.. am awaiting a expert opinion. Ill post the species as soon as i know it!
The Australian Magpie is known to most not for its beauty or its gargaling call, but its tendancy to swoop unsuspecting people who walk to close to its young!
The Brown Snake is widely recognised as the second most venomous snake in the world. Juvenile Browns like this one are commonly mistaken for the relatively harmless little whip snake.
My apologies to everyone still checking my site regurarly and not finding any new posts! I always find this time of year difficult for my style of photography, as most of the critters I enjoy pointing a lens at are not around.
I find it is this time of year when i struggle for inspiration! - Any subject suggestions would be appreciated!!!!
Thankyou so much for your recent comments and encouragements, it has been those that have inspired me to keep this site going.
Glossopsitta concinna or the Musk Lorikeet Commonly inhabits open forests and woodlands where it follows the different species of Eucalyptus (Gum trees) as they burst into bloom. The Lorikeet family of Parrots can be distinguished from other parrot families by its bushy tongue that has been specially designed for the retrieval of nectar from gum blossoms.
The Sydney Funnel web spider (Atrax robustus) is one fine photography subject! Males are about 5 times more venemous than females! Males venom is tailored for killing primates - a interesting fact considering there are no native primates in Australia!
I cannot find a lot of information on the web about this not so little dude. But i can tell you that its nippers are the size of my thumb nail and it loves to jump!!! They reach a maximum body length of 7cm... not including legs! I know it does not sound all that big, but get a ruler out, find the 7cm mark and then imagine a cricket with a body length of that!
Acrophylla wuelfingi (Walking Stick) - Yet another of Australia's amazing stick insects. This one reaches a amazing body length of 22cm (female excluding legs).
Thanks heaps to my mate Geoff Heard who kindly granted me access to his workplace where I was able to photograph some of Australia's most amazing invert species! Stay posted .. there are more to come! This is the Spiny Leaf Insect of Queensland. When eggs are laid they resemble seed pods which ants mistakingly carry into their nests. When they hatch they imitate the same ant species. They then emerge from the ant nest and assume there place amoungst the eucalyptus vegetation. Check out to see documented life stages.
The Curl Snake (Suta Suta) is a inhabitant of the Northern Grasslands. It is so named after its intense curl like flicking motion that it does when threatened. Its venom has just been upgraded from not known to cause harm, to dangerously venemous (same classification as the brown and tiger snakes).
Bearded Dragons love old fencing posts like this where they can be found basking in the sunlight. When approached they usually adopt this defensive pose (which is all bluff) in attempt to scare off predators or nosy photographers.
The female Plains Wanderer above and Male below are endangered birds of the Northern Grasslands of Victoria and New South Wales. I feel privelaged to have had the opportunity to photograph them.
This little beauty is one of the first orchids I have seen this Autumn. Otherwise known as Parsons Bands. It stands at under 10cm tall and the flower its self is the size of your thumb nail. The object in question in my last post is a Chinton, a sea shell found on the inter tidal zone of rocky shore line. Thanks for your guesses!