Saturday, December 01, 2007

Bandy-Bandy Snake (Vermicella annulata)

The Bandy Bandy Snake is a very special animal. It feeds exclusively on Blind Snakes (Ramphotyphlops). The bandy-bandy snake is a burrowing snake that is seldom encountered. It is well known for a defensive display in which it alternates between thrashing and contorting itself into one or more large, vertically oriented coils, apparently to frighten predators.


Laurie said...

Wow that's a sharp looking snake. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

beautiful looking snake... love what you have done with this one

v0lume4 said...

awesome looking snake

Anonymous said...

Hey, went looking for this snake after hearing Zap Mama & Erykah Badu singing "Bandy, Bandy".
Thanks for the sharp pix & interesting insight into such a unique creature!

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing snake! Would love to find one out there one day! It lives such a secretive life and is absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.

Anonymous said...

@hoshi lol DEFINITELY did go lookin for it after Bandy Bandy by Zap Mama y Erykah Badu♥

Unknown said...

Hi just for u to know i have this type os snake in my home...its so beautiful..and the most awsome thing is that she's got a personality if you know what i mean..even though snakes can't remember anyone...even they'r awoners...

Unknown said...

nice to find out what type of snake i found today awesome snake watched it burrow back into the mud in one of our well cellars feel priviledged to have seen such an uncommon breed

Anonymous said...

I just now found one of these on my concrete pathway, about to enter the house. It immediately went into the "loop" defensive pose. We're in northern NSW and it's the start of winter- must have been lost!!