Eriochilus cucullatus

This little beauty is one of the first orchids I have seen this Autumn. Otherwise known as Parsons Bands. It stands at under 10cm tall and the flower its self is the size of your thumb nail. The object in question in my last post is a Chinton, a sea shell found on the inter tidal zone of rocky shore line. Thanks for your guesses!
Hello Jeremy, thanks for the comment on my blog. Nice site you have there. Cheers, Lansy
I don't know if it's a problem on my side, but the pics on this post are not loading!
by far this is your best pic of a plant. i havent been impresed by how you've captured previous plants but this one rocks you got it right. well done!!!
It's a fuzzy beauty :) Great snap.
That is a very beautiful and delicate orchid. I don't think I've seen one quite like it before.
Well looks like I was way off on the guesses. That was a tough one.
beautiful unusual sharp and form....the color is fantastic...nice capture:-))
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