Bearded Dragons love old fencing posts like this where they can be found basking in the sunlight. When approached they usually adopt this defensive pose (which is all bluff) in attempt to scare off predators or nosy photographers.
The female Plains Wanderer above and Male below are endangered birds of the Northern Grasslands of Victoria and New South Wales. I feel privelaged to have had the opportunity to photograph them.
This little beauty is one of the first orchids I have seen this Autumn. Otherwise known as Parsons Bands. It stands at under 10cm tall and the flower its self is the size of your thumb nail. The object in question in my last post is a Chinton, a sea shell found on the inter tidal zone of rocky shore line. Thanks for your guesses!
Any guesses on what this is? I'll reveal the answer next post!
I dont know the species of catapiller, but it was feeding upon Golden Wattle exclusively in the nursery at work.
Lace Monitors are the garbage disposal units of the bush. There keen sense of smell will find them a decomposing meal from many hundreds of metres away!
Look closely at most gum tree leaves and you will find these galls. They are formed from the laying of wasp eggs into the leaves.
I was looking for a painting sort of effect when taking this sunset pic on the Murray River, near Mildura. The sky remained like this for about 5 min's before darkness set in.
This tiger snake was very co-operative whilst photographing! I was however not able to get it away from that bit of grass that covered its nose!
The Striped Legless Lizard (Delma impar) is one of Victoria's Endangered reptile species. I found this one while undertaking a survey for them around the Bendigo area. Strangely all that I found lacked their trademark stripes.