Rather than give away what this is from, ill leave it to your imagination. Comments always appreciated.
This Central-Victorian swamp is essential habitat for wildlife, especially during times of drought when all else is dry. The suns early rays become alive with thousands of waterfowl lifting from the water.
This Wood Scorpion (Cercophonius squama) was stumbled across whilst poking around Central Victoria’s native grasslands. At only 2cm in length, he is perfectly coloured to blend into the dry soils.
Often mistaken for the introduced field mouse, the Fat-Tailed Dunnart is not a mouse at all! Like the kangaroo, this critter is actually a marsupial, and carries its young around in a pouch. This species is under threat mostly from its habitat (native grasslands) being destroyed for housing or farmland.
The Nocturnal Small-eyed snake is seldom encountered. It chooses to emerge on warm nights, in search of prey before seeking refuge again as dawn approaches. Little is known about the venom of this placid snake, however unfortunate victims have reported varied degrees of paralysis.
This Charming Spider Orchid is one of only a handful of this species left in the world. Standing at 3 inches tall, it could easily be overlooked or trod on. This flower opened up on my birthday and only remained for 1 day before wilting. Considerable efforts are being undertaken by government agencies to keep this species viable, that we don't loose it forever.
Meat Ants live in Massive colonies in drier soils of Australia. Nests can exceed 2 metres in diameter. The fun thing about taking photographs of these guys is that each nest has dozens of entrance holes, so while your waiting at one hole, thousands of ants come out of the others and cover you from head to toe!
Australia is home to thousands of native orchid species, most under 3 inches tall. This is the Maroon Hood. Pollinated by small insects, the flower only lasts a short time. Once finished flowering, the plant disappears for the rest of the year. With enough rain, it will reappear next year.